Grace marks to be given based on level of difficulty of exam and out of syllabus questions

Name of Complainant Gangadhar ks
Date of ComplaintJuly 5, 2022
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Category of complaint Miscellaneous
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Text of Complaint by Gangadhar ks:

I have appeared for the bfm paper of iibf exam on 3/7/22 morning 8.30 shift. After submitting the exam i come to know that my provisional score was 49, the marks alloted is not based on level difficulty of each session of the same exam and some out of syllabus questions were also asked in the paper. Considering these facts kindly add 1 grace marks or allot the marks based on the difficulty levels.
Regd no. 510407845
Gangadhar KS

Image Uploaded by Gangadhar ks:

Grace marks to be given based on level of difficulty of exam and out of syllabus questions

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