gives fraud data entry jobs and file legal complaint against you if you do not pay fine

Name of Complainant prathiksha
Date of ComplaintJuly 28, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by prathiksha:

The company name is .I was searching for the jobs in linkedIn and applied for data entry jobs the very next day they called me and asked me about the job application and I was happy the they were giving 15000 as salary for completing 500 files of resume in just 5 days ,as I am student for was will to do some side hustle so i agreed to their agreement which looked same as original and signed it even the asked me for addhar card copy .There were soo many rules and regulation if we do not complete their work on time . I was not able complete that task as I had sem exam next week so i said the HR to cancel my agreement.after some day some advocate started calling me name is rajath singh sometime and soo many calls were coming as I was blocking their every number.and in watsapp they even sent me the message that legal complaint as be filed against you and if you do not want any legal complaint then they asked me to pay 5500+18%GST .they even scared me that they will send legal file in post to my house. I am afraid now.. What should do now please help……. this is the company website….

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gives fraud data entry jobs and file legal complaint against you if you do not pay fine

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