Fraudulent Team – On Merchant Marketing

Name of Complainant APV
Date of ComplaintFebruary 28, 2025
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by APV:

There is an affiliate marketing program of Flipkart (as mentioned by them), stating they “help online merchants improve product ratings and increase visibility”. For this put me on a platform “””. Task was to Click on the Product Link, Browse for 3 Minutes, Like the product and then earn a commission. For initially they started with 200 and started placing conditions that we have to take some 1000 task for fixed 20% or 30 % commissions. I received some commission on the 200 and 1000 as 150 and 250 respectively. Here the condition starts that I cant take the same Rs. 1000 task again and need to go higher. Then I picked Rs.3000 and then they put me into some VIP group and asked to do a task which is Product browsing and to like the product. After doing so, I received a commission of Rs.900 and additional reward of Rs.2000 which got into the wallet on the portal. Now as I wanted to withdraw they place another condition that I should invest about 6K more to get additional commission, which I couldnt do and asked to help with the withdrawal. Here the resistance started and they are denying withdrawal of the amount until I add 6K and do further more promotions.

The involved contact numbers are as Nithya / As Inviter to the platform / 9512908279, Sushma / As Group Admin / 9883931647 and Santhiya / As Group Tutor / 8330976357 & 9542497547.

Additionally found few other contacts as Group Admin’s 9709131421, 9609438848, +63 9850466934, 8056483095, 8095610513, 8961930239, 8972031193, 9914336698, 7488776507.

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Fraudulent Team – On Merchant Marketing

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