Frauding money

Name of Complainant Krishna upadhya
Date of ComplaintJuly 22, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Krishna upadhya:

Rachika trading limited is a fraud company. I have done mail also to this company concern mail person. He ir she was saying that we are nor doing third party, when i ask that person who frauded with me he said rachika trading limited has taken our name for frame. I could not understand who is right or who is wrong. But i think rachika is a fraud company who is going such fraud. I have mentioned earlier also that by the sake of part time job they frauded many people. I don’t understand how they can they doing like this? Police is there, cyber police is there. They must be catch and punished. Need our money. Few friends called me and told about their story, it’s so pathetic. Kindly look into it.

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Frauding money

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