Fraud with 70,000

Name of Complainant Rafique Shaikh
Date of ComplaintMay 1, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Rafique Shaikh:

found an article in Instagram for partime job. Company name is
They shared a link of Amazon eBay flagship account to purchase products wait for a minute and the commission will be added to the wallet they provide during access.

They provide the link for registration process and the task completion process started.

They add the commission as well as made me to pay them more to earn more commission during the purchase of these items.

I transferred amount of Rs 70,000 in 10 transaction of small and big amounts. They didn’t given back to my money

My whole amount and the fake commission is stuck in the panel.

They chat over telegram account

Amount transferred to different upi’s and mobile number –
Anujrajwat1@post bank
prkgt1632@ibl (phone pe)
As many UPI
Do the needful to recover my amount I lost on until 28/04/2023 or 29/04/2023

Image Uploaded by Rafique Shaikh:

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