Fraud loan scheme | Koko Loan App

Name of Complainant Himanshu
Date of ComplaintMarch 12, 2022
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Himanshu:

While going through the app and just checking my eligibility for the loan as I was looking for some funds, they asked for my pan card picture and Aadhar card and took the IFSC Code and My bank account number. Though in the app it showed 8000 and I didn’t click on anything as this app started looking very suspicious. But little did I know that they will transfer the money which was not even 8K and just 4400 rupees. The money was also transferred from different sources. They first transferred 1 rupee and then 4400. At first, I tried to reach them through email but their email address according to the internet was not found. Then I called the number (8768211500) and told them why they did credit amount that too a false amount according to their app, he said to transfer money back and I did the same. He said that they will close my loan within 24 hours but I want to file a complaint against them as they have my pan and Aadhar details and don’t want them to use them in their other malicious acts.

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