Fraud company data tech

Name of Complainant Kirti
Date of ComplaintOctober 31, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Kirti:

. I received an online job offer from datatech communication on Whatsapp. I agreed and sent them copies of my documents such as driving license, signature on a blank page, photograph . I was contacted from detatech by a man asking if I want to do a form filling job. I also said him yes, The job was to complete 600 forms in 6 days. If it is done then they will make pay me Rs.18000 and will deduct Rs.6700 from it as there fees . But if not completed I have to pay them Rs.6700 as penalty.I have completed all 600 forms then I call her to give my money then they tell me that I have done all 600 forms wrong. I said that how all gone wrong then tell me computer checked and all the things. When I’m started the work I asked all the things then how all get wrong. I have all the screenshots with me as a prove.They blocked my ID.

They also mailed me(From-Email Id- an fake legal notice . by fake advocate RAKESH SHARMA. Advocate told me that if you want to close matter pay 1lakh something. The lady who talked to She was threating me on whatsapp call . I searched their adress their is no such address .. and checked on true caller it have 5 to 6 comments which were saying you are fraud. They are threating people and mentally disturbing them

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Fraud company data tech

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