Fraud action of Turi com enterprises

Name of Complainant Nivedita sahu
Date of ComplaintMarch 16, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Nivedita sahu:

Dear concern

This mail is from the advocate association regarding the company “TRICOM ENTERPRISES” has to forward the case in court. As you have taken online work of 540 forms from the company and as per the agreement you have not completed the work and cancel the work/ 90% accuracy doesn’t achieve so in your agreement clearly written to pay the registration amount ok ” 5700″ which you have not paid and now we are going with police verification at your house with the court legal notice amount of section 73 section 74 section 75 section 420 section of agreement Breach case the legal notice amount is 1.80 laksh in court.

SECTION 73 :- Imposes a duty on the party seeking damages to mitigate its loss.

SECTION 74 :- Compensation for breach of contract where penalty stipulated for when a contract has been broken.

SECTION 75 :- Party rightfully rescinding contract, entitled to compensation A person who rightfully rescinds a contract is entitled to compensation for any damage which he has sustained through the non-fulfilment of the contract.
If the registration amount is not clear on time then we have to issue the legal notice and then you have to pay in court the court notice amount and once summon letter is issued you and your family will be in custody regarding these matter so kindly let me know your statement 30min what you want to do or else be ready to these case in court

Thank you

Advocate Associate
Advocate:- Sujit Roy

Pls takes quick action for them .

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Fraud action of Turi com enterprises

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