Excesive amount of electricity bill

Name of Complainant satyapal
Date of ComplaintNovember 4, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by satyapal:

my name isĀ  satyapal son of gopi chand from hassanpur , hnaryana, 122105. This complaint is about the excesive amount of electricity bill . my electricity department is DHBVN , MY meter account number is G34SD112050 . usually we consume the electricity about 225-275 units in two months , i have all the reciept of paid bill . But in the bill of previous months 1-8-2020 to 1-10-2020 they show the consuming of 1113 units of electricity that is much excesive than normal .(we have 3KW solar panel at our house ) so this bill is much excesive then our expectation . we already complaned to the electricity department of my region they do nothing about that . please take some action .

Image Uploaded by satyapal:

Excesive amount of electricity bill

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