Cyber fraud by Big scam and multiple bank accounts involved in extortion and money laundering

Name of Complainant Rahul wagh
Date of ComplaintFebruary 29, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by Rahul wagh:

Text of Complaint by Rahul Wagh

I received a message on WhatsApp, she give a task then transfer to telegram account where i would be paid for giving reviews to the hotels in google. At the beginning they paid 300 then they started giving task that was based on Later they asked me to transfer 5000 Rs. and told that they would provide 7000 in return and asked me to split the money and transfer to 3 different accounts. A person called Divya RaviRaj and her partner Deepak Chopra were involved in getting the money. After getting 5000 INR from me they stopped replying .

Total they have given from 150000

Image Uploaded by Rahul wagh:

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