Name of Complainant Carelyn Mae Villegas
Date of ComplaintMarch 20, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Mobile Phone
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Text of Complaint by Carelyn Mae Villegas:

THEY TELL ME THAT IS IVE GOT A JOB JUST TO CLICK THE LINK AFTER TASK 5 in the task 6 i need to prebuy the order which is worth 900 and 300 ive got it back and its 1440 which is ive got an earnings of 240 , then i started the task 7 to 11 and got paid of 120 for task 7-9 ,but in the task 12 i need to prebuy 2900 i sent it because of the fact that the money is guaranteed to paid back but after that they ask me to send 9800 but i dont have that money so i ask the task manager if ever i can get my money back they said i need to get 9800 to get it but i said i only have 3000 so they said that they will help me for remaining 6800 so i sent the 3000 but after that they said that i need to find 6800 to get my money back ..

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