Credit Card Recovery Harassment

Name of Complainant Himantika Sharma
Date of ComplaintJanuary 27, 2023
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Banking
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Text of Complaint by Himantika Sharma:

I identify myself as Himantika Sharma as an user of HDFC credit card Number 5181590102623450.
I have been pretty regular in clearing all dues of my credit card however until recently due to major setback in my regular earnings I could not clear off my outstanding dues because of which HDFC bank initiated legal and field recovery at my house.

In all my discussions with collection agents I was very clear that my money crunch is momentary and all I need is 3-4 months to resolve it and thereafter I can either clear off entire dues OR get into a settlement agreement depending on my financial condition.

No one from HDFC bank collection agencies paid heed to my request and recently they transferred my case to a local collection agency which is not even part of HDFC bank.

From this local collection agency Mr. Nikul Desai started visiting my house and I explained the entire situation to him. At first he offered me to settle the outstanding and told me that he knows all the higher ups of HDFC bank and can get me a really good deal to settle my outstanding. I was in no situation to pay the money as I am currently struggling to meet my ends.
Since then he started visiting my house every day and once he is here he just refuses to leave. I feel very very uncomfortable the way he keeps staring at me and his presence is really very scary.
As a woman I can feel the negative vibes coming from him and I try to maintain distance however he just doesnt leave.
One day I was not at home when he came and my neighbours told me that he stayed at the gate for more than an hour even when the neighbours told him that I am not at home.

All this is not only causing me immense social embarrassment but I also feel that his intentions are something else and not recovery of credit card outstanding.
I am aloan at home most of the time of the day and he always visit at awkward hours. I am really scared and I beg for help in this case.

Please help!
Himantika Sharma

Image Uploaded by Himantika Sharma:

Credit Card Recovery Harassment

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