Name of Complainant Gurneem Kaur
Date of ComplaintJune 12, 2021
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Utilities
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Text of Complaint by Gurneem Kaur:

I had a profile on quikr and i need job for my further studies. I applied data entry job and the company at which i sent my profile is LICENCE AGREEMENT COMPANY (data entry) and i received a call from them and also i got job which is to fill 1000 forms in 10 days. I haven’t made any legal agreement. I just received mail how to work , how it opens and what is the criteria of the work which is to fill 1000 forms in 10 days and 90% accuracy should be there and if accuracy is less i had to pay 5000 for that. Because of covid 19 my health was not good that’s why i was unable to continue work and also didn’t complete work at specific time. I felt sorry and pay 5000 for this and then they demand 3500 for maintanence charges or else they will FIR against me  because of fear i paid that too and then i received call and they said you have only 1 hour and submit 16500 to get cancellation form, i want to get rid from this trap because i was in fear and then i paid 16500 also and that company i had joined names LICENCE AGREEMENT but i got call from SOLOFIX TECHNOLOGY COMPANY. I hadn’t receive any cancellatiom letter and they called me and said please submit 12500 for further paper work and send a passport size pic and a blank signature. Before this call when i was submitting 16500 i assured from them that i don’t have to pay now any amount and they said this is your last amount after that all things are cancelled now. Just wait for cancellation letter and NOC. I also had call recording in which they said u don’t have to pay any amount now. After they are asking for 12500 for case cancellation. And the person who is calling me is a  advocate named NAINA MEHTA from gujarat . I want to complaint against this plsss help me. I m mentioning contact number of those from i getting the threatning calls:- +917202829436, +917284941357, +917478975053. PLEASE HELP ME. and i have reveiced text message from JM-ATVTSF that they had filed a case against me and i received this message after i had paid 16500. PLEASE HELP ME.

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