Name of Complainant | |
Date of Complaint | April 7, 2023 |
Name(s) of companies complained against | Gigindia |
Category of complaint | Cyber Crime |
Permanent link of complaint | Right click to copy link |
Share your complaint on social media for wider reach | |
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There are some people using telegram under the id,, are cheating the peoples by saying that they are offering online works. There is no evidence about the company and other details, if we ask them about the same also they are not giving the same. They offer work like youtube like and subscribe jobs initially then they ask the employess to pay 1000, 3000, 6000,15000 , like that , once you pay any of the same then they will ask you to pay more and more. they refuse to pay back the money you paid if you are not proceed for higher amounts. Its look like cheating team, i have paid them 21000 and they asked me to pay 50000 more but refused to pay . i asked them to refund the money paid but they said that they will refund only if i pay 50000 . i have not paid them by saying that it look like cheating.
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