About the company called addtek infoservice

Name of Complainant Varsha
Date of ComplaintDecember 13, 2020
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Cyber Crime
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Text of Complaint by Varsha:

I was hoping to make some money from free lancing then I came across this company called addtek info service they only called me to registration they convinced me as it was a very easy job but it was not that easy then registered with my aadhar and selfi. Then they sent a legal agreement after that i wanted to deregister but they asked me to pay 1500  without doing any job. Now they are threatening me to pay 3500 otherwise I have to pay penalty in court without doing any mistake without submitting any data they are asking penalty.

So please be carefull while signing up to any fake companies. Please take necessary action regarding this company.

Image Uploaded by Varsha:

About the company called addtek infoservice

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