A fraud calls and messages got by Karol bagh 2 floor 17A/9 W.E.A..

Name of Complainant AKG
Date of ComplaintNovember 11, 2024
Name(s) of companies complained against
Category of complaint Internet Services
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Text of Complaint by AKG:

Your interview has been fixed for Monday
Address 2 floor 17A/9 W.E.A karol bagh gate no 2 Ajmal Khan road near by hotel mid town time 9:00 am to 10:00 am ref-hr kirti johr..
The adress is this I got a call you are selected for an interview which is on this date you have to submit your details like educational qualification, Resume etc..and your selection is confirmed..she said you got 20 to 25000 salary per month..and doing work from home..I got suspicious but I am not dn sure about this..so I went for a interview and I answered the q which was so easy..after that they asks me for some money for starting a training and after that my job is started..I refused to pay them..but I am worried that it would be dangerous forvme in future or not..

Image Uploaded by AKG:

A fraud calls and messages got by Karol bagh 2 floor 17A/9 W.E.A..

One thought on “A fraud calls and messages got by Karol bagh 2 floor 17A/9 W.E.A..

  1. I also got a call and the address is also same 17A/09 WEA karol bagh for the interview and salary is of 20-25k for one month training and after that 40-45k it is definitely a fraud

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